....from The Department of Redundancy Department:
Nice people are so nice!!!!
Hi Mama!
Writing again so soon, you may ask? Well, ya.... Especially when it's either this or getting in trouble for talking!!
Anywaze, upon waking from a quite-overdue nap, Paul had just returned from being out (having Coffee at our groovy neighborhood Starbucks)
"I have presents!" he informed me.
AAAhhhh. Beautiful flowers!.....from my barista friends at Starbucks! They are just so thoughtful. This also includes my pal from work Jen, and my "mo" friends in Ireland, Vince and Dave, who have also sent me flowers.
So, being the shutterbug I've become lately, I thought it was time for yet another photo-op.
[Left to Right]: Me, The Bunch from the Starbucks ...<---->....Ted modeling the flowers from Jen
Bunch, then Jen, and then Vince and Dave.
Also, speaking of pix!
As my swelling goes down and there's some change, I'll be updating my "Before" and "After" Pics, page, so refer to that page in the archives to see them!!
who loves you mama??
Your Sonny, Pinsk.