Hey Mom;
Wow !! It's hard to believe that a month ago today, I went under the knife for my MMA/GA operation. In some ways, it seems like it happened months ago, and in other ways it feels like it was only last week. Would I do it again? Yes, I would. This whole experience has come with a lot of challenges, but all in all, I think it has benefitted me a lot.
Of course, I wasn't too crazy about having to go in for "ICU Part Deux", but that couldn't be avoided. I guess that's what makes me "unique".
I won't be able to really know HOW MUCH I've benefitted until I do another sleep study (which won't be for another 2 months), but Paul has said I am sleeping as quiet as a mouse (and this is while sleeping on my back, which is amazing!) , I continue breathing, and no more gasping!
Also, I used to be able to nap in the afternoons (when given the opportunity) quite easily, and now napping is not as easy as it used to be. I think that's because I get a much better and restful sleep at night now and don't need the naps as much.
However, I still have a long way to go. Especially in the "getting the feeling in my mouth and chin back" department.
After the first surgery 4 weeks ago, I was able to feel much of my chin still, most of my pallet (the "roof of my mouth"), and most of my teeth on both sides, but after the 2nd surgery, my chin is tingly but much more numb, my pallet has nearly no feeling yet, the teeth on my left side have nearly no feeling as well, and the teeth on my right side have very little feeling. I'm sure that with time, I will gain more feeling in my chin, pallet and teeth, although I know it will probably take quite a bit more time.
At this point, (as I have mentioned before), I'm really getting tired of the liquid diet I'm on and can't wait to start nibbling on soft foods.
Fortunately, last night Paul and I sat down to our first real dinner at the table in over a month.
On the menu was crab-stuffed salmon, creamed corn, and a nice ripe sliced avocado with italian dressing on it. All with no chewing required. It was really representative of things starting to "get back to normal".
Pain-wise, there's not that much now. Just a lot of "tightness".... as if my teeth and jaw were in a vice. I went ahead and took the pain meds for possibly longer than I needed to. There were a few times when I missed taking the pain meds on time, and it was quite uncomfortable, so that's why I continued with them.
I'm still getting used to my new look. I do like my new profile. I have more of a chin now (yay!), and my nose is "tipped-up" just a litle bit. From the front is a different story. My right cheek is still a little bit swollen on the right side, so becasue of that, my eye loooks a little "sunken" and my nose seems wider than it used to be. Also, the crevices on either side of my nose have lessened and I'm told I look a little bit younger. Hmm.
I stopped by work on my way home from my last Dr KL appointment and those who saw me said they thought "I look different". Not having facial hair probably contributes to the "looking different" as well, but I think the overall change is fairly subtle.
So lastly, I've update the "Before and After Pics" page with more photos, but I don't think you'll notice too much of a signifigant change from last weeks pics. Maybe a little less swelling.
Well, that's about it for now. Thanks for al the e-mails and care packages throughout all of this. It's really helped. Have a great 4th of July!!
much love;